Hey :)
Most of our lives we are trying to reach out to our fellow man either for their sake or for ours. Why do we spend so much time searching? What are we looking for? Is it hard-wired into our brains at birth that we have a special gift to impart and it is OUR LIFE'S WORK to get it out there, no matter how vain or stupid it may appear to others? Or is it more that we want to interact with others that we perceive to already have that Je ne sais quoi?
I confess there are times when I feel completely lost in this world and don't seem to have a true purpose. Individuals that are purpose-oriented and that have no purpose are SAD. Of course I do suffer from complete lethargy. It is a daily struggle to complete the tasks that have to be done in order to find some down time to think, write, reflect and ponder the universe and all its inhabitants.
If it is indeed 1 man's goal to reach out and touch as many people as they can with compassion, understanding and good cheer then the internet is arguably the best place to do it. Unfortunately it is rather vast and you run the extreme risk of not being noticed at all. If that happens, you'll need a contingency plan. I do not know what this plan consists of yet as I have not given up hope of being discovered by someone who is in need of my prose and various other creative talents. All it takes is one other person to share your dream and then you're on your way! :)
Yesterday I helped somebody off the floor who had slipped on a banana peel. I asked them if they'd had a nice ride? They didn't respond. It is times like these when my heart sinks and I wonder if having a sense of humor is wise in today's modern times when a bash over the head is imminent if you so much as look at someone the wrong way. Being politically correct is not something I have ever adhered to and I'll probably only get worse as I get older. If you enjoy to express yourself then you can't possibly hope to please everyone with your self-expression. Life is not a popularity contest, as any politician would willingly attest. However if you speak the truth and from your heart no one can put you down, even if they feel you are wrong.
I guess we just have to keep an open mind to the possibilities of any human connection and the outcomes that could result from the sharing of ideas. Let us not give up hope ... and feel free to bolster mine at any time :)
Much love,
Qt Ellis :)
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